How to Add an Excel File as a Page in a PDF using and Make

Sep 9, 2024·3 Minutes Read

In this tutorial, we will show you how to add an Excel file as a page in a PDF using and Make.

Step 1: Create a New Scenario

  • Let’s start by logging into your Make account and clicking on the Create a New Scenario button.

Step 2: Add Module

  • Next, search and select the module.
Add Module

Step 3: Select Merge a PDF

  • Then, choose to Merge a PDF so we can add the Excel file as a page in a PDF.
Select Merge a PDF

Step 4: Configuration

Let’s set up the configuration,

  • For the Enable non-PDF files as an input field, select Yes to enable Excel file as input.
  • For the Input Type field, select the Input Links option so we can directly input the URL of the Excel and PDF file.
  • For the Input Link field, input the URL of the Excel and PDF file separated by a comma.
  • In the File Name field, type in your desired output file name. Configuration

After setting up the configuration, you may now run the scenario.

Step 5: Run Scenario Result

  • The scenario runs successfully, kindly copy the URL and paste it into your browser to view the output.
Run Scenario Result

In this tutorial, you learned how to add an Excel file as a page in a PDF using Make. You also learned how to use the Web API to merge an Excel file and add it as a page in a PDF.

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