How to Automatically Fill PDF Form Template with Excel Data using and Zapier

In this tutorial, we will show you how to automatically fill a PDF form template with Excel data using and Zapier.

We will use this sample Excel data to fill out the PDF form template.

Sample Excel Data
Sample Excel Data

Step 1: Create a Zap

  • To begin. First, log into your Zapier account and click on the Create Zap button.

Step 2: Microsoft Excel App

  • Next, search and select the Microsoft Excel app. Then, choose the New Row as a trigger.
Microsoft Excel App

Step 3: Setup Microsoft Excel Configuration

Let’s set up the Microsoft Excel configuration.

  • In the Storage Source field, we will use OneDrive file storage.
  • In the Folder field, enter the folder where the excel file resides.
  • For the Spreadsheet field, select the specific spreadsheet that contains the excel data.
  • For the Worksheet field, enter your worksheet index.
Setup Microsoft Excel Configuration

Step 4: Test Trigger

  • Now, let’s test the trigger to make sure that we set it up correctly.
Test Trigger

Step 5: Test Trigger Result

  • The test trigger was successful and returned the excel data that we can use to fill out a PDF form template.
Test Trigger Result

We will now add another app and fill out the PDF form template using the Excel data.

Step 6: Add App

  • Let’s add the app and choose the PDF Filler to fill the PDF form fields.
Add App

Step 7: Setup Action

Let’s set up the configuration.

  • For the Source PDF field, input the direct URL of your source file.
  • For the Fillable Fields, set values for fillable fields inside pdf forms. Use the following format page;fieldName;value. You can get the PDF form field name info using our Request Tester.
  • For the Output PDF Name field, type in your desired output file name.
Setup Action

Step 8: Test Action

  • Now, let’s test the action to see the result.
Test Action

Step 9: Test Result

  • Great! Our test was successful. Copy the URL and paste it into your browser to view the output.
Test Result

Step 10: Filled PDF Form Output

  • Here’s the filled PDF form with the Excel data.
Filled PDF Form
Filled PDF Form

In this tutorial, you learned how to automatically fill a PDF form template with Excel data using Zapier. You also learned how to use the PDF Filler and fill out the PDF form fields.

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