How to Convert Airtable File to PDF using and Zapier

In this tutorial, we will show you how to convert an Airtable file into a PDF using and Zapier. Below is the sample Airtable with Doc file and will convert it into a PDF.

Sample Airtable File

Step 1: Create Zap

  • To begin. First, log into your Zapier account and click on the Create Zap button.

Step 2: Airtable App

  • Next, search and select the Airtable app. Then, choose the New Record as a trigger.
Airtable App

Step 3: Airtable Configuration

Let’s set up the configuration.

  • In the Base field, select the base name of the Airtable.
  • In the Table field, choose the table name that contains the record with the attachment file.
  • In the Limit to View field, select Grid View.
Airtable Configuration

After setting up the configuration, click on the test trigger button to make sure that we set it up correctly.

Step 4: Test Trigger Result

  • Great! The test trigger was set up correctly. We can now add another app and convert an Airtable file to a PDF.
Test Trigger Result

Step 5: Add App

  • Let’s add another app and select Then, choose the Anything to PDF Converter so we can convert any document or file into a PDF.
Add App

Step 6: Configuration

Let’s set up the configuration.

  • For the Input Type field, input the type of document that link from the Airtable file.
  • For the Input field, select the Attachments URL result from Airtable.
  • In the Name field, enter your desired output file name. Configuration

Step 7: Test Action

  • Now, let’s test the action to see the result.
Test Action

Step 8: Test Result

  • Excellent! We have successfully converted the Airtable file to PDF. You can copy and paste the output URL into a browser to view the output.
Test Result

Step 9: Output

  • Here’s the Airtable file converted to a PDF.
Airtable File Converted to PDF

In this tutorial, you learned how to convert an Airtable file to a PDF using Zapier. You also learned how to use the Web API and convert an Airtable file into a PDF document.

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