How to Extract Bold Text from HTML or PDF Files using and Make

This step-by-step tutorial will teach you how to extract bold text from HTML or PDF Files using and Make.

Screenshot of Source File
Screenshot of Source File

Step 1: Create a Google Drive module, then select Download a File

Start by going to the Make Scenarios Interface. Click Create a New Scenario.

Create a Google Drive module, then select Download a File

Create a Google Drive module, then select Download a File.

Step 2: Set up the Google Drive module

  • For Enter a File ID, choose Select from the list
  • Then choose My Drive
  • For File ID, locate the folder and the file that you’re going to use
Set up the Google Drive module

Step 3: Create a module, then select Convert from PDF

Create a module, then select Convert from PDF

Step 4: Setup the module

  • For Input File, select Upload a File
  • For Source File, select the Google Drive module
  • For Convert Type, select PDF to JSON
  • You can leave Pages empty if you want to extract all pages
  • Set Inline to No if you want to get an Output Link
Setup the module

Step 5: Run scenario

Run scenario

Step 6: Get the output link

Get the output link

Step 7: Extracted JSON

You should be able to download the extracted JSON from the URL given in the result from Make.

You’ve learned how to extract bold text from HTML or PDF files using and Make with this tutorial.