Parse PDF with Bubble API Connector

In this tutorial, we will show you how to use the Bubble API Connector to parse data from a PDF Invoice.

Step 1: Open My Templates

To get started, go to the My templates tab and click on the New Template button.

My templates tab
My templates tab

Step 2: Create New Template

Fill out the template creation form and click on Create template.

Create a new template
Create a new template

Step 3: Open new Template

Now, click on the Edit icon to open the template.

Click the edit icon to open
Click the edit icon to open

Step 4: Start with a Blank Page

Click on the Start with a blank page button and close the assistant.

Start with a blank page
Start with a blank page

Step 5: Add Elements

Let’s add two input elements for the Source File and the Template Id and a button to submit the request.

Add elements
Add elements

Step 6: Add plugin

Let’s go to the Plugins tab and add a plugin.

Add a plugin
Add a plugin

Step 7: Install API Connector

Look up the API Connector and click on the Install button.

Install an API connector
Install an API connector

Step 8: Add API

Once the API Connector is installed, click on the Add another API button.

Add another API
Add another API

Step 9: Setup API Connector

Let’s configure the API Connector.

  • In the API Name field, type in Document Parser or your preferred API Name.
  • In the Name field, enter Document Parser or your preferred Name.
  • In the Use as dropdown box, select the Action option.
  • In the Data type dropdown box, leave it to the default JSON or choose your preferred Data type.
  • Select POST and enter the Document Parser Web API endpoint
  • Under Headers, add x-api-key as the Key with your API Key as the Value.
  • Also under Headers, add accept as the Key and application/json as the Value.
Install the plugin
Install the plugin

Step 10: Add Parameters

Let’s add the Document Parser parameters.

  • In the first Key field, enter the URL parameter, the value and tick off the Queryst check box.
  • In the second Key field, type in the templateId parameter, the value 1, and tiff off the Queryst check box.
  • Add a checkmark to the Capture response headers check box and click on the Initialize call button.
Adding parameters
Adding parameters

Step 11: Initialize Call Result

When the API Connector is set up correctly, Document Parser will return the sample values below.

Returned values from Document Parser
Returned values from Document Parser

Step 12: Add Event

Now, go to the Workflow tab and click on the box to add an event. Select the Elements, and An element is clicked options.

Add Event
Add Event

Step 13: Add Action

Click on the add an action button and choose the Document Parser – Document Parser plugin.

Add Action
Add Action

Step 14: Map Dynamic Values

Let’s map the Input elements’ dynamic values with the Document Parser parameters.

  • In the url field, select the Input Source File’s value.
  • In the templateId field, select the Input Template Id’s value.
Mapping the values
Mapping the values

Step 15: Set Destination

Now, select the Open an external website in the next step and choose the Document Parser’s body url result in the Destination field.

Setting destination
Setting destination

Step 16: Preview

Click on the Preview button.

Preview button
Preview button

Step 17: Fill Form

Enter the sample PDF Invoice link and template id. Then, click on the Parse button.

Ready to click the Parse button!
Ready to click the Parse button!

Step 18: Parsed PDF Output

Here’s the parsed data output from our sample PDF Invoice.

Parsed data output
Parsed data output

In this tutorial, you learned how to parse a PDF Invoice. You learned how to set up the API Connector to use the Document Parser Web API in Bubble. You also learned how to configure the Workflow to get dynamic values for data parsing.

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