Split PDF Files Using Our API

Efficiently segment PDFs of any size with our PDF Splitter API. Split by precise page indexes or by pinpointing specific text for seamless document management.

PDF Splitter API illustration

Benefits of PDF Splitter API

Split PDF by Page Index

Dictate the exact pages to separate, from single-page divisions to entire ranges, or opt to split each page into its own document.

Split PDF by Text

Deploy text strings or regex patterns to target splits, ensuring every new document starts exactly where you need it to.

Split Into Multiple PDF Files

Divide your PDF documents into multiple PDF files, with no limitations on the number of pages you can split.

Multilingual Support

Compatible with numerous programming languages, including JavaScript, Python, C#, PHP, .NET/ASP.NET, Java, and Visual Basic.

No-Code Automation

Easily automate PDF operations with platforms like Zapier, Make, and more—no coding required.

PDF Splitter API benefits illustration
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