Andrew Mitchell - Andrew Mitchell

Andrew Mitchell

Location: United States

Expert in and business automation


Email: Project Showcase

Client/Project Industry

Real Estate/Mortgage

Client Name

Property Management Company

Company Size

1-10 employees.

Project Summary

The client provides property management services to over 20 homeowners associations in the Midwest. They were looking for automation that would quickly and efficiently combine a number of financial reports into one document to be sent each month to each of their clients.

Project Goals

We needed to collect up to 8 individual financial reports, sort them by client, create a custom cover page for each client, and then combine everything together into one document for sharing with the client.

Project Challenges

The biggest challenges were filtering all the reports by the client and creating customized cover pages for specific clients who subscribed to additional access. is used for

I used’s API and Zapier integration for filling and flattening a PDF form as well as combining all the reports into one PDF Results

Before my integration, my clients were spending upwards of 10 hours per month putting reports together and sending them to their clients. Now, that process is entirely automated!

Connect with Andrew Mitchell now for your next automation project:


1/12/2022 4:23:50